Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Food Storage Should Not Be Your Grandchildren's Inheritance

Growing up I have watched my not only my mother, but many other women in my life attempt to build up and integrate their food storage into the diets of their families. I have seen many different strategies in building up, and utilizing food storage. I am very sad to say that the majority of the examples I have seen have been rather fruitless.

I have often pondered as to why these women have failed at their attempts. I have concluded that the vast majority of all failings in food storage all go back to one root cause: inadequate knowledge.

People don't know how to properly store their food storage, or they don't know what they should store, or they know what to have, they just don't know what to do with it. A perfect example of this is my husband. When we got married he had two 5-gallon buckets full of whole wheat kernels. However he did not have a wheat grinder, bread pans, a mixer, sugar, baking powder, baking soda, yeast, or anything else you would use to make whole wheat edible. Needless to say, after our wedding I rectified that situation.

You see it time and time again, families will buy number 10 cans of whole wheat, which can store up to 25 years, and never do anything with it. Then of course they never use it, so they give it to their children and grand-children. Food storage should not be your grandchildren's inheritance. It should be for the here and the now. It's not just for emergencies. It's for eating healthier, it's for when you don't have time to go to the store, it's for being self-reliant, it's for when you are out of work, or it's for blessing the lives of those who are in need.

In the last several months I have looked at and examined the examples of preparedness that I have been given, and concluded that I need to do better. I've been spending my time doing research, and learning about the subject. Not only have I been learning, but I have also been using what I know.

Which brings me to why I am writing. I am posting what knowledge I have gained on this blog to help educate others. I know there are many people out there who don't have the time to read all the websites, and books that I've been fortunate enough to come across, or to experiment with several different recipes that involve only ingredients that can be stored in your home for months. I hope that through my knowledge I can help bless the lives of those around me, and inspire people to become more self-reliant.

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